Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm a Cub Scout

Don't mess with me!

My Paleoentologists

Olivia and Cameron are showing a real knack for discovering dinosaur bones (at the Portsmouth Children's Museum).

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Save the Silo

Dad got involved in producing a PSA video for the Joppa Hill Silo Restoration project, here in town. I'll have the video's final edits done this week - it was a fun and quick project to shoot for the local cable channel and hopefully, it will raise awareness and money for a Bedford, NH landmark. Here are a few pictures I shot that I thought looked pretty cool.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bike Riding

Finally, the snow is off the driveway and we can do some bike riding. Cameron got rid of the training wheels earlier this spring and Sophia has a brand new bike from the neighbors across the street. Now if it would only warm up a bit!

Amelia prefers the scooter or riding with Daddy!

Olivia loves the scooter too!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

The Easter Bunny left baskets of goodness at our house
Cameron and Sophia sure seem pleased!

Amelia scored a FABULOUS bathing suit....c'mon summer, hurry up!

Olivia's basket had Yo Gabba Gabba!

The Easter Egg Hunt was outside - very cold, but lots of fun!

Dirty Mouse

"The Mouse was dirty, so I cleaned it." So said Olivia, in her own way. Too bad it was a wireless mouse and that she chose the bathroom sink in which to clean the dirty mouse.

Alas, I rejoice in her communication. So, I guess it's off to Staples or Best Buy (we HATE Best Buy) for a new mouse.

Monday, April 6, 2009