Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

Uncle Brian and Mommy created an awesomely scary haunted house for Cameron's Birthday.......

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sharp Dressed Dummy

It looks like Daddy has some competition!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Amelia's First Sutures

Dad travelled to San Jose this week, while Amelia traveled to the Emergency Room for 6 sutures to her lower lip. The crack Macdonald accident reconstruction team believes the lacerated / bit through lip was a result of a header, into the edge of the train table in the play room. Unfortunately, Mom was home alone and had to deal with the ensuing mess. By all accounts, it wasn't pretty. The good news is Amelia is healing nicely and is back to her usual feisty self. Whether the train table ends up on the curb on trash day remains to be determined.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Amelia is 2!

October 20th should be a paid holiday for the Macdonald family as both Cameron and Amelia were born on this day, 5 years apart. So today, we celebrate our baby's 2nd birthday!


Olivia loves cake!

Even Nana came for the big celebration!

Cameron turns 7

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Cameron
Happy Birthday and BOO!!
Nothing like a Halloween themed birthday party!
Indiana Jones meets the Grim Reaper
Lots of friends, lots of fun, and lots of presents!
Happy Birthday Cameron! We love you!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sublux Redux

Oops, she did it again. Sophia subluxed her radial head, less than 24 hours after her first mishap. Another quick trip to the Doctor for a reset. This time, she gets to wear a sling for a few days to let the elbow rest. As you can see from the picture, Soph is no worse for the wear.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Radial Head Subluxation

Sounds like a rock band, but it's actually the medical term for a partially dislocated elbow, also known as nursemaid elbow. It happened to Sophia on Monday night - none of us are certain how it happened, but Soph was in some pain, for sure and unable to use her right arm. Amazingly, the pediatrician popped the elbow back into joint with one quick move and Sophia was pain free almost instantly. Two bags of french fries later and all is well.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our pumpkins check out the pumpkins

We made a quick trip to Clark's Farm in Bedford, to pick out a few more pumpkins for Cameron's birthday party and, if they last until the end of the month, for Halloween. Clark's Farm used to be THE place to go for summer vegetables; corn, zucchini, summer squash, tomatoes, etc. They closed a couple of years ago and have since entered an agreement to sell the property to St. Anselm College. Not a bad use of the old farm land, but I sure do miss their fresh veggies in the summer. Old Farmer Clark has planted a boatload of pumpkins this year; probably the last farm gasp, before the land becomes part of St. A's.

A view from the front window

Fall is definitely here. This year, the colors seem far more brilliant than past autumns, perhaps because of the rains we had late in the summer and early fall. If I can find some more time get out and about to take pictures, I'll post them here.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dad can't have a shed

But the girls get a completely trimmed out play house.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Who's in charge?

Clearly, I am but a peasant; here to serve the princesses.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Binky Milestone

This picture will be the last one you see of Sophia and a binky. She lost hers the other night and lacking a backup, weaned herself off the pacifier. Probably too late to avoid orthodontics, but way ahead of Dad's expectation of being binky free by first grade. Hooray Sophia (and for Mommy who pretty much had to sit on her that first night!).

Friday, October 3, 2008

Here we are

Ok, the picture's almost a year old, but it's the only family picture on hand. Here we are, the Macdonald family, on the web, for all the world to see. The world won't see us, but hopefully the visitors to this blog will both know us and enjoy the family pictures, anecdotes and stories which I hope to post on a regular basis. It's October 3, 2008 and it's a chilly fall night here in New Hampshire.

Cameron, age 7 is in first grade; Olivia, age 5 is in pre-school; Sophia, age 3 is in pre-school; and Amelia, age 2 is a happy and way to smart stay at home baby. Mom and Dad are well into our 30's and 40's but most of the time, we feel like we're in our 50's 20's as we try to keep up with our brood.